“Pakistan“ – “Originating in Islamabad, Pakistan, this extremely large ruby-red, maroon colored fruit reaches 2 1/2 to 5 inches long and 3/8 inch in diameter. The berry is firmer than most others with a very sweet and flavorful raspberry like flavor. Amazingly, the fruit juice does not stain, which is good since the Pakistan Mulberry is more than a mouthful. The fruit ripens over a month long period in early summer.”
Nota: Ini adalah malberi Pakistan ,saiz lebih panjang dari mulberry yang tumbuh Di Malaysia
wah...mana saya boleh dpt benih pokok mulberry jenis camni ye en.hisham...teringin nak satu...kat umah saya ada 3 pokok species biasa aja..berbuah lebat jugak...hasilnya saya buat jus....tp tak pernah buat semaian...en hisham ni mmg nak beli anak semaian ka...